

Technology | Intellectual Property | Privacy and data protection | General commercial contracting | Outsourcing | Automation

Iain McLaren is a lawyer specialising in information technology law, privacy, data protection, intellectual property, and general commercial contracting, with over 20 years of experience.

Iain is a Special Counsel at HWL Ebsworth Lawyers (

Technology director, manager, and developer

Current projects

calmdocs | File syncronisation, simplified

  • calmdocs File sync macOS, and iOS (iPhone and iPad) client and server. Like Google Drive and Dropbox. Built in golang and SwiftUI. Currently running in production.

Iain’s other open source projects and libraries

Swift and SwiftUI


  • calmdocs/pubsub golang websocket pubsub library (built using gorilla/websocket).
  • calmdocs/keyexchange golang Diffie–Hellman key exchange (DHKE) library built using the go standard library and
  • calmdocs/appexit golang library to call os.Exit() when specified events are triggered.
  • calmdocs/ulimit golang library to set the maximum possible filesystem ulimit (for macOS).